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Acute Symptom Care in Lawrence, KS

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Lawrence Family Practice Center is pleased to provide acute illness care and management to kids, teens, and adults in Lawrence, KS. Acute illnesses, also called acute symptoms, are usually brought on by sudden sickness or injury. These types of illnesses often come about unexpectedly and usually only last for a short period of time. Most of the time, acute illnesses work themselves out on their own or with the help of OTC (over-the-counter) medication. However, for more serious cases, short-term treatment might be required for your health. Our seasoned team of family physicians and medical professionals is able to diagnose your condition and provide you with the best solution to reduce your symptoms and restore your comfort.

types of acute conditions

There are various kinds of sicknesses and bodily traumas that cause an immediate surge of issues or symptoms. Some of the most frequently occurring types of acute illnesses are:

  • Heart attacks
  • Rashes
  • Broken bones
  • Flu
  • Sinus infections
  • Asthma attacks
  • Common colds
  • Pneumonia

What Are the Benefits of Acute Care?

Acute care at Lawrence Family Practice Center is essential for effectively managing sudden illnesses or injuries. It provides immediate attention to various acute conditions, ensuring swift diagnosis and treatment. The benefits of acute care include:

  • Prompt treatment for a wide range of acute illnesses, such as heart attacks, flu, and pneumonia
  • Effective management of symptoms like fever, cough, and earache
  • Quick response to bodily traumas like broken bones or rashes
  • Reducing the risk of complications from acute conditions

Our team of experienced family physicians and medical professionals is dedicated to diagnosing your condition quickly and offering the best solutions. By seeking acute care at our center, you can ensure a speedy recovery and return to comfort, minimizing the impact of sudden health issues on your life.

Who Is a Candidate for Acute Care?

A candidate for acute illness care is generally anyone experiencing the sudden onset of symptoms or conditions that can potentially worsen rapidly if not treated promptly. Generally, urgent or emergency care should be sought if the symptoms are severe, do not improve, or if the individual is in a high-risk category. Early intervention in acute illnesses can often lead to better outcomes and prevent complications. General characteristics of individuals who may warrant acute care include:

  • Severe symptoms that are causing significant discomfort or dysfunction, such as intense pain, difficulty breathing, or serious mobility issues
  • Persistent symptoms that may not improve with initial home care or over-the-counter treatments suggest the need for professional medical evaluation and possible intervention
  • High risk of complications due to underlying health conditions such as chronic respiratory diseases, immune deficiencies, or cardiovascular issues that may require more immediate attention even for seemingly mild symptoms
  • Weakened immune responses from infants, young children, and elderly individuals who may be more susceptible to the rapid escalation of common illnesses
  • Signs of systemic infection, such as high fever, chills, or body aches, might indicate a more serious underlying condition requiring medical attention

Acute Illnesses FAQ

What is the difference between an acute illness and a chronic illness?

Acute illnesses typically arise quickly, lasting for a shorter time. Chronic illnesses are ongoing and may be life-long conditions like diabetes, asthma, or heart disease that require daily management and care.

When should you go to the doctor for an acute illness?

Some common signs that you need to seek a doctor's care include:

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Persistent high fever
  • Sudden unexplained weight loss
  • Severe body pain (chest, pelvic area, or abdominal area)
  • Persistent vomiting or diarrhea
  • Bright flashes in your vision
  • Difficulty concentrating or staying awake
  • You have a cold or flu that become very bad
  • Unexplained mood changes

What are the most common symptoms of an acute illness?

Common acute illness symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, fever, sore throat, nausea, runny nose, sneezing, cough, and earache.

fast, reliable care

If you find yourself unexpectedly sick or hurt, reach out to our team at Lawrence Family Practice Center in Lawrence, KS to schedule an appointment with one of our physicians. Our team specializes in comprehensive care for your whole family, and we take the time to properly diagnose and address your issue.

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