What Should I Ask My Doctor Before Starting Infertility Treatments?
Infertility can be frustrating, discouraging, and emotionally painful. At Lawrence Family Practice Center, our caring team is here to help guide you through your fertility journey and increase your chances of building your family the way you desire. As you begin the process of fertility treatments, it is important to consult with a knowledgeable and experienced provider. Ahead of your infertility management treatments in Lawrence, KS, be sure to ask your doctor these important questions.
Why can’t I conceive?
First, it is helpful to understand a little more about what may be causing your difficulty in conceiving. In many cases, infertility is multifactorial — meaning there are several variables that may be contributing to the issue. Some common factors that may influence infertility include:
- Age
- Underlying conditions
- Structural/anatomical abnormalities
- Increased stress
- Certain lifestyle factors
- Uterine fibroids or polyps
- Hormone imbalance
- PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)
- Endometriosis
- Male factor infertility
What fertility treatment options are right for me?
Based on your health and medical history, the findings of your labs and exams, an assessment of the male partner’s sperm, and other diagnostic tools and techniques, our providers will recommend the most appropriate infertility management plan for you. This may include intrauterine insemination (IUI), sperm washing, diet and lifestyle modification, and others.
Am I ready to start fertility treatments?
While each patient’s fertility journey is unique, ideal candidates for infertility management in Lawrence, KS, are usually women who have not had success becoming pregnant after trying for 12 consecutive months without birth control or another form of contraceptive. This may vary based on the patient’s age and other factors. Generally speaking, women under 35 should consider fertility consultation and management after one year without conceiving, while women over 35 may need to begin treatments sooner. Again, our experienced team of providers will evaluate a number of individual patient and case factors to determine the most appropriate time to start infertility treatments for you.
How can I boost my chances of getting pregnant?
In some cases, it may not be possible to become pregnant without medical intervention in the form of infertility treatments. However, there are several things patients can do to set themselves up for the best possible chance of a successful fertility treatment, including:
- Maintain a healthy, stable weight
- Lose weight if recommended by your doctor
- Do not smoke
- Eat a healthy, balanced diet
- Make healthy lifestyle choices overall
- Limit stress levels
- Take supplements as recommended/suggested by your doctor
- Track your ovulation and time intercourse accordingly
With these at-home steps and the help of an experienced provider, fertility treatments have helped many couples finally achieve their goal of becoming pregnant.
Where do I start with fertility treatments?
When you’re ready to begin your fertility journey, the first step will be to schedule a consultation. During this appointment, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, and your doctor will review your health history, order any tests necessary, and discuss your fertility options at length.
Struggling to conceive? You may be ready for infertility management in Lawrence, KS
If you have not been able to conceive naturally for an extended period of time, fertility treatments may be the next step in helping you to start (or continue) building your family — and we are here to help. Take the first step toward the family you’ve been dreaming of by calling Lawrence Family Practice Center to schedule your Lawrence, KS, fertility treatment consultation today.