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Heavy Bleeding in Lawrence, KS

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Do you find that you bleed abnormally heavy on your periods, or for longer than normal? Do you notice spotting or bleeding when you're not on your period? These issues are often considered abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB), an issue characterized by random bleeding from the uterus. This issue can develop in women who are menstruating and those who have entered menopause. If you're concerned about the heaviness of your period or random spotting, our team at Lawrence Family Practice Center can help you find the answer. Contact our team in Lawrence, KS to receive a comprehensive evaluation.

Known Causes

Our physicians have helped many women who experience excessive uterine bleeding during or outside of their period. We will perform a thorough examination to figure out the cause of your heavy bleeding and form a treatment plan to address the issue. AUB can be caused by hormonal imbalance, uterine growths (such as fibroids or polyps), cancer, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), birth control, a thickened uterine wall, and more. In fact, this issue can sometimes be a symptom of one of these more severe problems. If you find that you bleed excessively, it's important to have this addressed as soon as possible.

Abnormal uterine bleeding FAQs

How can I tell if bleeding is abnormal?

There is no one answer to this question as the amount of blood loss that is considered normal varies from woman to woman. However, if you have bleeding that is heavier or lasts for longer than usual, get an assessment at Lawrence Family Practice Center to rule out any potential causes, including uterine fibroids or polycystic ovarian syndrome.

What causes uterine fibroids?

There is no one answer to this question as the exact cause of fibroids is not currently known. However, there are a number of possible contributing factors that have been identified, including age, hormone changes, genetics, and lifestyle factors. Our staff can help you explore all of these potential causes and work with you to find the best treatment option.

Is abnormal uterine bleeding cause for concern?

While abnormal bleeding can be a cause for concern, it is not always indicative of a serious health issue. There are a number of potential causes of abnormal bleeding, and many of them can be treated effectively. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional in Lawrence to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment.

Diagnose and treat a heavy flow

Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) can be frustrating for the women who experience it. At Lawrence Family Practice Center, we work with patients to help manage excessive menstrual bleeding. Call our office in Lawrence, KS for more information and to schedule a consultation with our team.

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