When Should You See A High-Risk OB Doctor?
Pregnancy and childbirth can be some of the most rewarding experiences in a woman’s life. For mothers who are considered high risk, however, this can feel like an uncertain time. At Lawrence Family Practice Center in Lawrence, KS, our expert team of physicians provides comprehensive high-risk obstetric care to help patients feel comfortable, confident, and assured about the health and safety of themselves and their growing families. Learn more about what’s included in high-risk OB care below, and find out if your pregnancy may qualify as high risk.
What is considered a high-risk pregnancy?
There are a number of factors that may classify a woman’s pregnancy as high risk, some of the most common of which include:
- A mother under 17 years of age or over 35 years old
- Complications with a previous pregnancy/birth
- Previous child with a birth defect or genetic abnormality
- Underlying medical conditions, such as diabetes or hypertension
- Patient is overweight or underweight
- Pregnant with multiples
- Known genetic risk factors for mother and/or father
- Previous pre-term delivery
In some cases, particularly for women who have already given birth, a pregnancy may be considered high risk from day one. Other times, elevated risk factors are discovered during routine prenatal appointments, and the patient may then be transitioned to high-risk OB care.
What is included in high-risk OB care?
At Lawrence Family Practice Center, our physicians provide comprehensive, personalized, in-depth care for all OB patients, whether they are considered high risk or not. However, high-risk pregnancies often require additional monitoring, specialized evaluations, and specific treatment steps to ensure the health of the mother and baby. Each patient’s high-risk OB care plan will depend on their personal risk factors. Some of the most common services included in high-risk pregnancy care are:
- Comprehensive high-risk evaluation
- Prenatal diagnostic testing
- In-house ultrasound
- Fetal monitoring
- Genetic evaluation and counseling
Is a high-risk pregnancy dangerous?
High-risk pregnancies are labeled as such due to an elevated risk level for complications during pregnancy, birth, or the postpartum period. When pregnancy is found to be high risk early on and monitored carefully with high-risk OB care, the chances of a safe, healthy, and happy delivery dramatically increase. With this in mind, we encourage mothers who know they are high risk or suspect a high-risk pregnancy to be evaluated as soon as possible during pregnancy. Additionally, women who are not yet pregnant but have plans to build a family may benefit from evaluation and testing to determine any potential risk factors they may have. Without a doubt, the best thing you can do for yourself and your baby – whether you have a high-risk pregnancy or not – is to receive comprehensive OB care throughout your pregnancy and delivery.
Facing a high-risk pregnancy? Protect your growing family with high-risk OB care in Lawrence, KS
Nothing is more important than your own health and the health of your developing baby. Even with a high-risk pregnancy, many women go on to deliver healthy children without complications, though high-risk OB care is essential in these cases. If you suspect that you may have pregnancy risk factors or already know that your pregnancy is considered high risk, call Lawrence Family Practice Center to schedule a consultation with one of our award-winning, caring OB/GYN providers in Lawrence, KS today.